59: Your Favorite Thing about What You Do
Hi there! Happy end of September and welcome to episode no.9 of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom!...
58: Gabriela Lena Frank on Creativity
In this episode of The Conductor’s Podcast, my guest is Gabriel Lena Frank. As she continues to be a remarkable composer, she’s fulfilling her passion of wanting to live...
57: Kamna Gupta on Developing New Operas
Opera is one of the greatest and the most classic art forms. It combines the ingenuity of a great storyline and the elegance of music in one captivating show. ...
56: Cynthia Johnston Turner on Good Conducting and Leadership
In this truly exciting episode, the one and only Dr. Cynthia Johnson Turner discuss the broad meaning behind good conducting and how you can stand up on the podium...
55: Five Productivity Hacks
Want to booster your productivity? Listen to today’s episode where I share my newly discovred productivity hacks! 1. Always check your why: What’s your purpose?2. Morning Pages Journal: clear...
54: Your Morning Routine
Hi there! Happy end of August and welcome to episode no.8 of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom!...
53: Carolyn Watson on Conducting Study
While conducting music requires a specific level of technique, one’s success as a conductor cannot be complete without mastering musicianship. In this episode of The Conductor’s Podcast, I am...
52: Aubrey Bergauer on Hiring
Happy August to you! August, for me, is the mark of a new beginning. As we ready ourselves for a new journey, this episode will surely give you a...
51: Score Study Tips
Score study is such an important topic, and I’ve touched on this a few times in the podcast. However, I am going to organize things together for you, so...
50: How Do I Get Better?
Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! In today’s episode, I will be talking about how to improve my conducting! This is the question that I got asked...
49: What You Wish You Knew Before Entering the Profession
Hi there! Happy end of July and welcome to the seventh edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course,...
48: Speaking to the Audience
Hi there! Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer mini series. The summer months of June, July, and August are traditionally “off-season” for performing artists, where many people make summer...