application materials

13: All You Want to Know About Collegiate Ensemble Director Positions

Show Notes: Hi there! Welcome to episode No. 13 of the Conductor’s Podcast, and happy almost new year! Since it’s now almost the new year, I thought we would have a special episode talking about one of my current positions, a collegiate conducting position. This is also something that a lot of people are less…

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5: Three Tips to Write a Killer Cover Letter

Show Notes: Ready to perfect your cover letter and personal statement? In today’s episode of our podcast, I’m going to share 3 tips for writing a killer cover letter.   Before I implemented these tips myself, I would consider it a lucky day when I got a rejection letter from fellowship programs or jobs, as…

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1: Five Mistakes to Avoid in your Conducting Video

Show Notes: In today’s episode, I will share exactly how to prepare your next conducting video for applications in a professional manner.  By walking you through the five biggest mistakes to avoid in your conducting videos, I’m going to show you how to edit the format and the content of your conducting video to maximize…

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