Conducting Videos

53: Carolyn Watson on Conducting Study

While conducting music requires a specific level of technique, one’s success as a conductor cannot be complete without mastering musicianship.  In this episode of The Conductor’s Podcast, I am beyond ecstatic to have Dr. Carolyn Watson as my guest as she enlightens young and experienced conductors alike, the essence of musicianship, musical intent and musical…

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30: Q&A about Everything Conducting Videos

Show Notes: Today’s episode is a bit different as I will be answering all the questions that I received about conducting videos. Before we get started, I wanted to remind you all that the very first episode of this podcast is about Five Mistakes to Avoid with Your Conducting Videos. Here are the questions that…

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1: Five Mistakes to Avoid in your Conducting Video

Show Notes: In today’s episode, I will share exactly how to prepare your next conducting video for applications in a professional manner.  By walking you through the five biggest mistakes to avoid in your conducting videos, I’m going to show you how to edit the format and the content of your conducting video to maximize…

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