48: Speaking to the Audience

Hi there! Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer mini series.

The summer months of June, July, and August are traditionally “off-season” for performing artists, where many people make summer homes at various festivals. This summer I turned down all the work engagements to refresh and recharge myself, and I thought that it could be fun for us to have different mini series with the podcast. Therefore, during the month of July, I will be sharing some tips on different aspects of a conductor’s job with you.

In today’s episode, I will be talking about speaking to the audience.

Different Occasions:

  • Pre-concert talk
  • Lecture Recital
  • Greeting from the podium / stage
  • Educational, Family, Holiday Concert


  • Who is your audience?
  • What is the ONE THING that you want them to remember?
  • What are TWO/THREE things that your audience can relate to?


  • Don’t have too many points or facts!!
  • They want to hear the music, not a lecture!
  • Share a story or an emotion, not a fact