Hi there! Happy end of June and welcome to the fifth edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Monday of each month, and in each episode, I am going to pose a question to 10 musicians, conductors, or business gurus. So including myself, you will hear all the goodies from a wide variety of people, thus called the wisdom series. Now, without further ado, let’s get started.
This month’s question that I am asking my people is, “What’s your favorite self-care practice?”
I asked this question selfishly as I suck (!!!!) at taking care of myself….. Let’s hear what my guests have to say:
- Julia Baumanis (Assistant Director of Bands at Rutgers University, episode 31)
- Kristin Roach (opera conductor, Episode 12)
- Kiernan Steiner or Dr. Kiki (Decolonization consultant and choral conductor, episode 17)
- Tiffany Chang (opera and orchestra conductor, episode 4)
- Emily Koh (composer)
- Margaret Flood (Founder, Frost Young Women Conductor Symposium)
- Susie Seiter (film conductor, episode 29)
- Ashley Killam and Carrie Blosser (co-founder, Diversify the Stand, episode 20)
- Stephanie Havey (stage director, episode 32)