career coach

52: Aubrey Bergauer on Hiring

Happy August to you! August, for me, is the mark of a new beginning. As we ready ourselves for a new journey, this episode will surely give you a boost of new learning for the new generation.  Today, Aubrey Bergauer graces the show with her expertise in human resources, organizational culture, strategizing guests to be…

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51: Score Study Tips

Score study is such an important topic, and I’ve touched on this a few times in the podcast. However, I am going to organize things together for you, so it’s a central place for you! In today’s episode, I will be sharing 1) how I study scores when I don’t have enough time, 2) some…

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50: How Do I Get Better?

Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! In today’s episode, I will be talking about how to improve my conducting! This is the question that I got asked a lot, and in today’s episode I will be sharing some tips that were given to me, and also some that have worked well for myself…

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49: What You Wish You Knew Before Entering the Profession

Hi there! Happy end of July and welcome to the seventh edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Monday of each month, and in each episode, I am going to pose a question to 10 musicians,…

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48: Speaking to the Audience

Hi there! Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer mini series. The summer months of June, July, and August are traditionally “off-season” for performing artists, where many people make summer homes at various festivals. This summer I turned down all the work engagements to refresh and recharge myself, and I thought that it could be fun…

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47: Prepping for Rehearsals

Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! During the month of July, we are taking a break from the usual interview conversations. Instead, I will be sharing some tips on different aspects of a conductor’s job with you every week. In today’s episode, I will be talking about prepping for rehearsals. For me, the…

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46: My Programming Process

Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! Hi there! Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer mini series. During the month of July, we are taking a break from the usual interview conversations. Instead, I will be sharing some tips on different aspects of a conductor’s job with you every week. In today’s episode, I…

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45: Creating Meaningful Work with Maria Sensi Sellner

July is just around the corner! Who could’ve thought that six months of 2022 had gone by so quickly? I remember so many of my New Year’s resolutions and I know I have to catch up with all of these goals. However, such “chasing-the-goal” action should not compromise one’s mental health and happiness. It should…

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44: Your Favorite Self-Care Practice

Hi there! Happy end of June and welcome to the fifth edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Monday of each month, and in each episode, I am going to pose a question to 10 musicians,…

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43: Managing an Orchestra and a Theater with Anne Catherine Murray

In today’s episode, I interviewed the Executive Director of the August Symphony (GA), Anne Catherine Murray on how she manages an orchestra.  She’ll share her wisdom on the management side of a performing arts organization and a theater, discuss the challenges of managing personnel, how she was able to find her purpose, and how she…

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