score study

Score Study Checklist

Are you looking for ways to improve your score study? Do you know what’s lacking in your process? Check this out!

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51: Score Study Tips

Score study is such an important topic, and I’ve touched on this a few times in the podcast. However, I am going to organize things together for you, so it’s a central place for you! In today’s episode, I will be sharing 1) how I study scores when I don’t have enough time, 2) some…

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50: How Do I Get Better?

Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! In today’s episode, I will be talking about how to improve my conducting! This is the question that I got asked a lot, and in today’s episode I will be sharing some tips that were given to me, and also some that have worked well for myself…

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38: Organize Your Score, Time, and Journey with Lina Gonzalez Granados

Show Notes: Conductor Lina Gonzalez Granados joined me and shared her experiences in organizing her time, studying scores, and taking care of her health when she was always on the go conducting around the globe. Some of Lina’s Career Highlights: Third Prize and ECHO Special Award at the Inaugural La Maestra Competition Named conducting fellow…

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33: Your Score Study Process

The Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom Series What’s your score study process? Hi there! Happy end of April and welcome to the fourth edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Monday of each month, and in each episode,…

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