tips for conductors

56: Cynthia Johnston Turner on Good Conducting and Leadership

In this truly exciting episode, the one and only Dr. Cynthia Johnson Turner discuss the broad meaning behind good conducting and how you can stand up on the podium as a leader.  Johnston Turner, a dual citizen of Canada and the United States, earned her Doctor of Musical Arts in Conducting from the Eastman School…

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55: Five Productivity Hacks

Want to booster your productivity? Listen to today’s episode where I share my newly discovred productivity hacks! 1. Always check your why: What’s your purpose?2. Morning Pages Journal: clear your mind before starting your day!3. App: TodoistAnswer these questions daily: Identify the most important tasks (one or two) Is what I am doing today supporting…

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54: Your Morning Routine

Hi there! Happy end of August and welcome to episode no.8 of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Thursday of each month, and in each episode, I am going to pose a question to 10 musicians, conductors,…

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53: Carolyn Watson on Conducting Study

While conducting music requires a specific level of technique, one’s success as a conductor cannot be complete without mastering musicianship.  In this episode of The Conductor’s Podcast, I am beyond ecstatic to have Dr. Carolyn Watson as my guest as she enlightens young and experienced conductors alike, the essence of musicianship, musical intent and musical…

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52: Aubrey Bergauer on Hiring

Happy August to you! August, for me, is the mark of a new beginning. As we ready ourselves for a new journey, this episode will surely give you a boost of new learning for the new generation.  Today, Aubrey Bergauer graces the show with her expertise in human resources, organizational culture, strategizing guests to be…

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51: Score Study Tips

Score study is such an important topic, and I’ve touched on this a few times in the podcast. However, I am going to organize things together for you, so it’s a central place for you! In today’s episode, I will be sharing 1) how I study scores when I don’t have enough time, 2) some…

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50: How Do I Get Better?

Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! In today’s episode, I will be talking about how to improve my conducting! This is the question that I got asked a lot, and in today’s episode I will be sharing some tips that were given to me, and also some that have worked well for myself…

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49: What You Wish You Knew Before Entering the Profession

Hi there! Happy end of July and welcome to the seventh edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Monday of each month, and in each episode, I am going to pose a question to 10 musicians,…

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48: Speaking to the Audience

Hi there! Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer mini series. The summer months of June, July, and August are traditionally “off-season” for performing artists, where many people make summer homes at various festivals. This summer I turned down all the work engagements to refresh and recharge myself, and I thought that it could be fun…

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47: Prepping for Rehearsals

Welcome to the Conductor’s Podcast Summer Mini Series! During the month of July, we are taking a break from the usual interview conversations. Instead, I will be sharing some tips on different aspects of a conductor’s job with you every week. In today’s episode, I will be talking about prepping for rehearsals. For me, the…

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