S2E3: How to Kill your Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement has become a more and more frequently asked application material. No matter you are applying for a music directorship or an educational role, the organization very often is interested in knowing your vision on diversity, inclusion, and equity.


Feeling stuck as a straight white man (or anything else)? No worries, let me show you how to kill your diversity vision, and how to revive it.


Best Ways to Kill Your Diversity Statement:

  • Claiming that “I have a friend / daughter-son / husband-wife / student who is XXX (fill in any gender, race, color,…) so I am such a diversity supporter
  • Give All Talk and No Action
  • Draw a Pie in the Sky with your promises


TO REVIVE YOUR STATEMENT (Even if you don’t have much experience in diversity and bias and have been very privileged)

  • Draw from your experiences – even if you have a very single-dimensioned upbringing, you can still talk about that and explain how this affects your actions and plans
  • Genuinely reflect why diversity is important – and how that affect your vision for this position
  • Create a sample concert program for the ensemble even without them asking for it in the first place
  • Commit to program at least one living composer, one woman composer, one composer of color, or one composer from any historically marginalized group